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We develop comprehensive strategies for government, private sector, and civil society to defend against, deter, and raise the costs on foreign state actors’ efforts to undermine democracy and democratic institutions. The Alliance works to publicly document and expose these actors’ ongoing efforts to subvert democracy in the United States, in Europe, and around the world.

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View All Our Work
Interference Matters
The Challenges Poland Faced in Securing its Presidential Elections During Coronavirus
In May, just days before the Polish presidential election was scheduled, the coronavirus pandemic and a government-ordered lockdown threw preparations for the election into disarray. The conservative ruling party and its opponents could not agree on an alternative date, and the ruling party appeared intent on organizing an unprecedented mail ballo [...]
Interference Matters
The Challenges Poland Faced in Securing its Presidential Elections During Coronavirus
Policy Paper
Looking Back to Go Forward: Strategic Mismanagement of Platform Technologies and the Race for the Future
Policy Paper
Competitive Strategies for Democracy in the Age of AI
Policy Paper
5G Tech Factsheet for Policymakers
“The health and strength of our democracy depends on Americans’ ability to engage freely in political speech, to hold vibrant debates free from manipulation, and to obtain reliable information about the issues of the day.”
Just the Facts... In Your Inbox.
Welcome to Out of Order – a German Marshall Fund podcast discussing how our world was, is, and will be ordered. How do we save democracy, reason, rule of law and global cooperation? And why do some people not want to? Much-maligned experts try to come up with answers, at outoforder.gmfus.org.